Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Coming guest-slot on Dimitri Pike's Teknology-show...

Apart from saying: "Spread the word and BE THERE", I'll hand the rest
of this post's info to the picture and let it do rest of the talking!

Thanks for reading (and viewing) this...

P.S. Check out the Teknology-show every Saturday-evening at 20:00hrs (CET)...!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"Famous last words..." - for now!

After 23 mixes and over 1.5 Million downloads of the sets (combined),
I have decided to cease creating - and uploading - any new mixes...

At least for a undetermined future, anyway...

For the record (and before any rumours run rampant), there aren't any
legal-reasons nor any form of "behind-the-scenes"-B.S. behind my decision.

Finally, to all of the contributing artists and/or labels that have allowed
me to use their respective material on any and all of the mixes, I would like
to (still) express my eternal gratitude for allowing me to use your material
on these mixes.

You all know, who you are...

Thanks for reading this...


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

10 mix-CD's I'd want on my iPod for that stay on a desert island...

Here are 10 mix-CD's, which I'd definitely like to have on my (solar-powered?) iPod
for that stay on a desert island!

I'm not going write page up and down singing these mix-CD's praises, nor any of
the other reasons w-h-y I'd get these CD's on my iPod and packed along with the
other survival-gear, I'd pack along!

But read on - and either nod or shake your head regarding the selections, and do feel
welcome to drop a comment regarding which mix-CD's that YOU'D bring along to
that stay on some desert island.

(BTW, mix sets that are released as mp3-files will probably get mentioned in a later post)

And now to the ten selected CD's (in alphabetical order):

Carl Cox - F.A.C.T. [React]

The Chemical Brothers - Brothers Gonna Work It Out [Freestyle Dust/Virgin]

Dave Clarke - Fuse Presents Dave Clarke [Music Man Records]

Richie Hawtin - Decks, EFX & 909 [M_nus]

Jeff Mills - Live At The Liquid Room [React]

The Prodigy - The Dirtchamber Sessions Volume One [XL Recordings]

Scion - Arrange And Process Basic Channel Tracks [Tresor]

Luke Slater - Fear And Loathing 1 [React]

Luke Slater - Fear And Loathing 2 [Resist Music]

Surgeon - This Is For You Shits [Warp Records]

(BTW, my copy is numbered "0068"...)

Thanks for reading this...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Google's mp3-player with HTML5-fallback for your blogspot-site...

There are already a "dump truck"-load of snazzy mp3-players out there, with all of
the graphical bells-and-whistles plus the necessary (IMO, bloated) HTML-code
needed to copy-and-paste and embed a player on your website - I'm already well
aware of this fact!

Less HTML-code on a site (in general) is always preferable, especially if one wants
to speed up the time it takes for her/his site's to load! Furthermore, Google now also
a site's loading speed as one of the factors in their search ranking algorithms:

Based on my "meager knowledge" of these things and from what I can gather looking
around out on the net, the majority of the embeddable mp3-players out there are
SWF-based; but what if you want - say - iPad-users to listen to your musical output, too?

In this post, I'll show you, how to take an already online mp3-player that requires a
minimum of HTML to work AND add a HTML5-fallback for the iPad-/iPhone-users
out there - in two minutes flat...!

Regarding the mp3-player, we'll be using for this solution, has previously been offline
for some odd reason, but now it's BACK - Google actually has an online mp3-player,
which you can use for your blogspot-page etc., and requires a bare-ass minimum of
code to work - compared with some of the other mp3-player solutions out there, mind.

I'm not going to dissect the code below and write page up and down about it, but trust me:
all of the necessary code you'll be needing - and which you can copy-and-paste into your
own sites HTML-code - looks something like this:
<object data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="380" height="27">
<param name="src" value="" />
<param name="FlashVars" value="audioUrl=URL_PATH_TO_THE_MP3_FILE" />
<audio src=" URL_PATH_TO_THE_MP3_FILE " controls preload="none" style="width:380px;"></audio>

Which should generate something like this AFTER you've replaced the string
"PATH_TO_THE_MP3_FILE" with the full URL-address to your mp3-file:

And that's all that is need to embed a mp3-player on your page with a HTML5
fallback for iPad-/iPhone-users out there.

Thanks for reading this...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How to make a podcast-feed (the fast and easy way...!) - Pt. 2

In this blog's previous posting you've now - courtesy of delicious - made
the necessary XML-file, which you (now) can use for your totally-cool podcast!


But the feed-title: "Delicious/(your user-name)" and the sub-title:
"bookmarks posted by (your user-name)" might NOT be the coolest thing to
have showing on your (current) feed - let alone having y-o-u-r podcast known
out there as: "Delicious/(your user-name)"

So why not make it a bit more "personal" with Google's Feedburner?
If you've already got an account with Google, then you can use this
account to log in; if not then (just) create your Feedburner-account
and get it over with!

When you're all logged in at Feedburner then look for the following:
"Burn a feed right this instant. Type your blog or feed address here",
and then tap in (or copy-and-paste) the address from the RSS-page
you've just made at delicious, remember to check the box "I am a podcaster!"
and now click on the "Next"-button!

You are now going to give your feed it's (proper) name AND the URL-address,
which from now on will be the URLaddresss, you'll be using for your RSS and/or

Now, as Feedburner says on the following page, it's time to dress up your feed
a little bit, and make more personal, by clicking on the next "Next"-button! 
On the next page, you'll now be configuring your podcast and telling iTunes how
to show things regarding your feed.
  1. Set the "Create podcast enclosures from links to"-option to "any rich media file" 
  2. Check the box next to "Include iTunes podcasting elements"
  3. Choose "Music" under the "Category:"-option
  4. Fill out the the form-fields the best you can
  5. Check the box next to "Include "Media RSS" information and add podcast to Yahoo! Search"
After you've done all of the above, click the "Next"-button on the page, and on
the following page check all three check-boxes on this page, and click again on
this page's "Next"-button.

On the following page, click on the "Optimize"-tab and then find and click on
the: "Title/Description Burner"-link; on this page, type in the "New Title:"-field
the desired name for your podcast followed by clicking on "Activate"-button -
and you should now be all set with y-o-u-r new podcast...!

Finally, just to illustrate things - here's a final working example made from the
feed-example shown in the previous posting, and after I've used Feedburner's
"Title/Description Burner"-option:

After following the instructions in both the previous and this posting, you should
now have a more personalized podcast-feed ready to unleash on the unsuspecting
masses out there!

Thanks for reading this...


How to make a podcast-feed (the fast and easy way...!) - Pt. 1

O.K. - for whatever reason, you (the reader) want to share
your tunes, mixes, radio-shows etc. as a podcast with
the (at the moment) unaware masses out there on the 'net, but
either you:
A. don't know how to put together the necessary XML-file
B. don't know anyone who can - or will - do it for you

...then read on, as I'll give the instructions to how you
can put together podcast without all of the coding-fuss!

First of all, before we can on, where and how you get your
audio-files hosted is your headache, but after that's been said
you'll be needing (to make) two user-accounts at:

Alrighty, as you probably already know, Yahoo!'s delicious is
one of the net's leading social bookmarking services, and it'll be
delicious that we'll be using to generate the XML-file, which
you'll be needing for getting y-o-u-r podcast on the road!

After you have logged on to delicious, the first thing you have to
do is click on the "Save a new bookmark-link located up in the
upper right-hand corner of the page.

Then, in the appearing popup-window, write in the full URL-address
to the audio-file that you want on the podcast, click on the "Next"-button,
and write in the title of your file/tune/mix/show (and optionally add any
additional details in the "Notes"-field), and click on the "Save"-button.

Repeat the operation as described in the above, if you should have more
than one file that needs to be added to the what will soon be your
podcast feed. Here's an example of what things should look like at:

Now look on the lower left hand side of the delicious-page for the
orange RSS-feed logo where it says: "RSS feed for these Bookmarks",
click on the link, and - PRESTO - you'll land on a new page with
your newly made RSS-feed, form which you can already use for both
for your newly-created RSS-feed (obviously) and for your podcast, too!

But bookmark/save the URL-address for your new feed, as you'll need
this later on for the second part of this article series, where you'll make
your new feed a bit more personal, and here's where Google's Feedburner
comes into the picture...

Thanks for reading this...

10 from '10

Here's ten 12"-releases from this year that have been seeing a lot of rotation
here at the dee3-tower; and I will admit that there probably isn't all that many
surprises on this list - but nevertheless -here they are (in alphabetical order):

A Guy Called Gerald - Tronic Jazz The Berlin Sessions 12" Vol 1

EQD - Equalized #003

Jacob Korn - Sundaysun

Martyn | Roman Lindau - Berghain 04 | Part I

Sandwell District Sampler Single 1 + 2

Shamus Coghlan - Technophile

Surgeon - Compliance Momentum

Traversable Wormhole - The Remixes Pt. 01

WAX - #003

Thanks for reading this...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

FINALLY: Shamus Coghlan - Technophile

As the title indicates, Shamus Coghlan's sophomore-release on his own label,
(807) Recordings, is now finally and officially out on the street!

And - IMHO - this 12" has been on it's way for quite some time; the first time
I heard the white of this 12" thundering on a PA-system, was back in the late-autumn
of '08 in Tresor's "Batteriraum" (in connection with a DJ-gig Shamus was about to
perform - double-billed along side with Vergel Evans, BTW).

Actually, I was so impressed by the white that one of the tracks made it on to the
ninth installment of the "Compiling a Network" mix series, and - TBH - I've been pestering
Shamus off-and-on ever since, regarding w-h-e-n this white-lable would see a proper release!

But to cut a long story short and in other words: this release has been on it's way for
the last two years, and taking into consideration all that can happen (musically) over
a timespan of two years, one could ask if this 180g worth of 12" vinyl is:
A. still musically interesting - or relevant
B. has been worth the wait, in general

And the two questions above can be answered with one sentence:
HELL YEAH...!!! 

To sum it all up: Shamus Coghlan's "Technophile" E.P. is an essential release and is
now a mainstay in my box; I guess the proverb: "All good comes to he who waits" is
more than true, in this case.

But make a jump over to rubadub, listen and grab hold of your copy there...!
And while you're at it - why not also grab yet another slab of 180g of vinyl and get Shamus'
equally ACE "Further EP", while you're at it!

At least, you won't have to wait any longer for Shamus Coghlan's "Technophile" E.P. than it
takes for the mailman to deliver it you, after you've ordered it! ;-)

Thanks for reading this...

P.S. Shamus - if you see this, then remember to leave most of your "Bargeld" at home, the next time
we hook up (you know why...); oh, and gimme the proper directions to where I should go...! :-D

External: Six new tracks at

Danny Kreutzfeldt, the man behind the Periskop-project, is apparently in a yuletide-mood!

Not only has he recently uploaded 9 tracks (or 123:40 minutes-worth) of slow, brooding
click-doom in the form of "15" on his Periskop-website - he's just added an additional, 6
tracks to his "circle(125)"-release, too...!

The previously released "circle(125)"-tracks - already featured in the "CaN vs. periskop"-set,
but also seeing big support by Dimitri Pike - are all (in Danny Kreutzfeldt's own words):
"...membrane shattering hypno techno"

And the six new 125-bpm tracks are all fitting and natural extensions of the already dark,
stomping package, which the "circle(125)"-release bundle already is...!

And on that note, some of the tracks (both old and new) are already slated for some forthcoming
mix sets, which I got planned...

But why wait for that to happen - hustle over to Danny's periskop-site NOW and check
ALL of the "Periskop"-releases out for yourself!

Thanks for reading this...


Sunday, December 12, 2010

External: zero" New Year's Countdown

Admitted, I love free (legal) stuff, and it's a special time of the year again for zero",
as they're counting down the days to 2011 with their favourite tracks of 2010 by
giving them away for free every day during December!

(WOO-HOO!!! d.)

zero"-selections will include some of what they think were the defining tracks of 2010
from some of the biggest names and some of the hottest newcomers; one track a day
until the calender reaches zero - or rather the 31st of December!

Many of the artists and labels that have put forward the freshest sounds of 2010
will appear in zero" selection, and as there won't be any genre-blinders either
from zero" side, you can expect their picks to range from techno to dubstep,
from electronica to indie pop.

For each day of December, a new code will be posted on their tumblr-site at 4pm (-ish...).

Just enter the posted code to download the selected track of the day!

But please note that every code is only valid 100 times, and only for 24 hours,
so if you snooze - you loose; make sure to be quick and check back daily!

Thanks for reading this...

External: The Black Dog - Subject To Delays EP

Since this blog is the official "dee3's mouthpiece on the web", and I don't
necessarily want this blog content-wise to revolve around "me-me-me" and
my various capers under my "dee3"-moniker, obviously I'll also be sounding
off about things, which I find interesting/catches my fancy.

Everybody's favorite techno-mutt (as I call them), The Black Dog, have been
quite active as of late; following the release of "Music For Real Airports" on
Soma and (from what I can gather) being instrumental in the recent re-design
of the famous Little Detroit website, The Black Dog have kicked off a new
project called "Reader's Wavs".

"Reader’s Wavs" was originally an idea The Black Dog came across  
The Big Chill Forum  a couple of years ago, and is based on the simple idea
to give away high quality files for free to the Little Detroit reader-community,
from both established and new artists and/or labels.

Rather than ask anyone else to go first, The Black Dog thought it was better to
put themselves up first for the first installment of the "Reader's Wavs"!
The Black Dog – Subject To Delays EP [Dustv022]

A1. The Black Dog – Future Delay Thinking (Live)
A2. The Black Dog - Strip Light Hate (Aitcho Airfix Refix)
B1. The Black Dog & Anthony Child – Sleep Deprivation 3
B2. The Black Dog – Late Night Cabin Fever (Crying Baby Mix)

Download the E.P. from here: 

And yes you've read correctly in the above - Anthony Child (a.k.a. Surgeon) 
has been apparently recruited to help out on this release, too! 

Enjoy - and thanks for reading this...

The "Compiling a Network"-site: slimmed, trimmed and modified...

Although the "Compiling a Network"-series has been defunct for quite a while,
there's apparently still some considerable interest(!) for the sets from this series,
based on what I can see from the various ongoing statistics for the series. 

While I'm still contemplating, if I should "exhume" and revive this series or not, based
on the aforementioned statistics I've given the official site for this series a much-needed
major overhaul, trimming down and removing a lot of excessive "fat" (both frontend- and
backend-wise) from this site, so it now loads faster with a lot fewer DNS-calls etc. and
resembles it's sister-series site for the "dee3 | datamixes"-series.
Although there still some minor odds-and-ends that need to be done - i.e.: amongst other
things as finally trim down and modifiy the XML-file for the RSS- and podcast-feed,
like I did with "dee3 | datamixes"-feed - one of the major differences one might notice is
the new and simplified QR-code, which will now and henceforth be the logo for the
"Compiling a Network"-series (defunct or not). 

But give the "Compiling a Network"-site a visit, and if you should discover any bugs, then send
me a mail with "CaN-site: Bug-report" in the "Subject"-field.

Thanks for reading this...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

CaN vs. periskop and CaN vs. _rohformat (Pt. 2) now as torrents, too

Here's a minor update:
Both of the aforementioned sets named in this posting's title are also now available as torrents!

CaN vs. periskop:

CaN vs. _rohformat:

Thanks for reading this...!

RE-POST: Everything dee3-related now gathered in one place...

Thanks to the nice people at winksite, the "dee | datamixes"-website and my twitter-feed - as for this blog too -
are now all gathered in one place and all easily accessible on your mobile-device!

Check it out at:

Whilst in write-mode, I'd like take the opportunity to deliver a couple of other updates:
1. the "dee3 | datamixes" RSS- and podcast-feed have been slimmed down content-wise;
there were several reasons behind this move, but FYI all sets are STILL available from
the RSS- and podcast-feed!
But all from a now file-wise smaller and more uniform-looking feed with info-links for all of
the respective sets pointing to the "dee3 | datamixes"-site, instead!

2. Although defunct/inactive, the good old "Compiling a Network"-series is STILL experiencing
a lot of download-action! If the series is to be "revived" (as some have requested me to do) is
still uncertain; but as there still is quite an interest for this series, the official website and it's RSS-/podcast-feeds too will soon be subject a MAJOR overhaul to accommodate all that (still) find this promo mix series interesting, and continue to download the sets from this series.         

3. Sometime this coming week, the two latest sets from the "dee3 | datamixes"-series - the
"CaN vs. periskop"- and the "CaN vs. _rohformat"-sets - will also be available as torrents, too.
Shortly after these two sets are made available as torrents, the "dee3 | datamixes"-torrents will
also be available as torrent-files with the WAVE-versions of the sets, too!

Stay tuned for more details regarding all of the above - and thanks for reading this!


"We've moved..."

After +5 years of use and way-over 11500 views (or so), I have decided to port "the official dee3-blog" on MySpace to
The reason for this move is due to MySpace's re-design of their site, which as a result has:
A. rendered the previous URL to my blog's RSS-feed useless.
B. removed my blog's previous RSS-syndication functionality from their site.
C. removed the old blog-manager section from their site.
D. made the accessing of previous blog-posts more difficult.

Furthermore, I'm fed up with MySpace's (senseless and groundless) link-blocking, too...!

Well-knowing that moving whatever site from one platform - and/or URL - to another is a royal pain for all parties involved (i.e.: you, the reader and me), I find that MySpace's blog-functionalities are now completely amputated after their site has been re-designed.

I hope that you - the reader - will still continue to find my doings and musings interesting and will continue to keep tabs on my various capers, rants and raves by following and reading this blog.

Thanks for reading this...!
